Monday, April 03, 2006

It's a kind of magic

Somebody asked me tonight if I was a long baby when I was born.
I said, “Yes.” I said that I was unravelled like a never-ending handkerchief from a magician’s sleeve.

And just as I vanished to America for a month, I now feel suddenly pulled from a hat – a floppy eared bunny rabbit!


OK, I may be no more floppy eared than usual (they’ve always been big) or, indeed, as highly sexed as a rabbit, but did my vanishing act to California change me?

I think that whenever you leave and return to a place, you give yourself the opportunity to start afresh or, at least, a new chapter. It’s like an artificial New Years. It starts with so many resolutions. Keeping them, though, would be magic.

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