Sunday, March 26, 2006

Postcard from London

"Welcome to London. It's a blustery day here," said the announcement, as the plane touched down at London Heathrow. "It's raining."

It didn't take me long to figure this out for myself.

As I stepped out a paper bag blew up and smacked me in the crotch. A sort of telling off, I imagined, for my month in California.

Even as I write this I can see litter blowing up and smacking people for their sins. I think of how they ignore bins here, as they do social niceties.

A rather rude customer service advisor has just told me that I can't travel on an earlier train to see my mum on Mother's Day.

It smacked with irony then when James Blunt came on the radio.
"My life is brilliant," he mocked.
Whomever smiled at him on a subway, I thought to myself, can't have been riding the Tube.


Jess said...

oo, look at the adds running cross the top there. I've been considering it myself, a few extra dollars or pounds can't hurt. Let me know if they make you millions.

San Sharma said...

Hey Jess! Oh dude, I just logged onto MSN Messenger, checked my Hotmail for the first time in yonks and read your message. I would have loved to have seen you in Berkeley! Obviously, it's more difficult now that I'm back in Blighty.

Next time you're here we must hang out. And not just on each other's respective blogs!