Thursday, March 18, 2004


The last class of term is usually an emotional one - farewells to friends, 'thank you's to staff, the final handout. This time however, considering how hard this term's been, relief was my primary emotion, and since Beth has scolded me for my overly self-deprecating sense of humour, which borders on self-hatred, I won't tell you that the fewer friends you have the easier the farewells are. (It's not true anyway. It's worse.) The teacher, Nick - big up, showed a documentary about the history and art of scratching in hip-hop culture. I thought aloud to Beth that I should be like the first famous Indian turntablist or, and it's easier to type than say this, "turban-tablist". It's almost worth wearing a turban for.

Anyway, I'm going to get some lunch. More soon.

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