Three times and it's a regular thing - almost tradition, and tonight was indeed the third famed Curry Night, the biggest turn out, the longest running and the best yet. I'd like to give a special shout out to all in attendance this evening - Beth, Mike, Caroline, Jill, Lindsey and Ian - and of course the staff at the posh Weatherspoons in Lancaster.
Tonight was a lot of cross-Atlantic, conversation-laden fun and true testimony to the perspective giving power of the good company of good friends. New friends, mind you, but good ones all the same. And I look forward to our little Saturday night room and board game party and, with slight hesitation, the Fox TV like reality game, Find-San-A-Date Bar Crawl of Mike's over-zealous imagination, coming to a campus near you soon. Lock up your daughters. (And your mums, to be safe.)
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