Thursday, April 15, 2004

Bad Karma

The karmic pendulum of life has swung my way readers and its punishment for the brief - and may I add accidental – visitation of untoward web sites has left a plague upon my homepage of a dozen viruses. The sudden hijacking of my computer by said viruses – an online act of terrorism – and the careful removal of such has unfortunately kept me from updating my blog earlier. And as we suspect that the evil network of viruses possess weapons of mass e-mail distribution I am sorry if you’ve caught anything off me. I would recommend that you update your Anti-Virus software as soon as possible and keep a fair distance from your computer screen – I have a nasty cough to boot, though I don’t quite know what I’ve done to deserve that.

I’ve been a good boy times of late: I’ve stuck loosely to the 9-5pm work day and at my dissertation, which I mention not because I know my supervisor reads this page (hi Nick) but because it’s going reasonably well; I’ve done my share of the chores around the house, enough to forestall my mum’s “this place is not a hotel” speech; and I’ve been practising the art of compromise/anger management with aforementioned, menstrually diverse sisters, even agreeing to an unwise shopping trip to the Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet Village last Monday.

It was unreal. There’s no other word to describe it really; ‘village’ would not be my word of choice. Sure, the stores were housed in mock-Tudor outfits, some of which sported hay-effect thatched roofs, but how many villages do you know with five-thousand car parking spaces? Or a food court? Or a Dolce & Gabbana, for that matter? Despite being stony broke I nevertheless spent the Bank Holiday spending, but I won’t be laughing all the way to the bank – I’ll be putting my paycheque against my Mastercard bill. I’ll have to wait until the end of month to see that what goes around comes around. But that’s not bad karma. That’s just bad sense.

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