Thursday, November 13, 2008

"It's a small world..."

Welcome, if it works, to version 2.0 of my website. To quote Barack Obama (quoting Sam Cooke), it's been a long time coming, but tonight, change has come to

And it very nearly didn't.

I've switched domain registrants and web hosts so many times over the last few years that I found myself in an infinite loop, unable to remember usernames, passwords or even the companies with whom I'd parted cash. Once I did, I began working behind-the-scenes, tinkering with code and little bits of script, which had all the appeal and terror of stepping off a Disneyland ride and seeing how all the Animatronics work. Now that it's done, I hope you'll find that version 2.0 has more to offer, including the full archive of my blog (and new posts!), my portfolio, including my books, and a growing audio and video page.

I've pulled the lever, I'm hopping back on my carriage and I hope you'll join me for the ride. Don't forget to subscribe to my RSS feed and add me up on Twitter. And drop me a line, by visiting my contact page.

Lots of love,

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