Sunday, March 11, 2007

Coloured people.

You wanna live like coloured people?


Jess said...

I must ask; what in the world was this event?

San Sharma said...

Yeah, perhaps I should have explained! I realise that it does look like a very, very gay war.

It's actually Holi, the Hindu festival of colour. And so much fun, it very nearly sold me on the idea of religion altogether. (Unfortunately, there was some praying afterwards - boo...)

Jess said...

That is an awesome religious festival, more religions really need to work in paint ball. Not gay at all, unless all things that look fun are gay.

Peter said...

I must say I find all this a bit racialist. In fact I'm offended.

San Sharma said...

I've started on the gays as well now apparently. There's just no end to my hate. (I thought you'd take more offense at that, to be honest, you big poof.)

Ah, I'm just kidding guys. I love everybody.