Dear readers,
I’m sorry that I haven’t written earlier. I should say that being immersed in intense revision for my upcoming finals has kept me from updating my blog, when in truth the reason boils down to nothing more strenuous than the simple yet embarrassing fact that I have, head over flip-flops, gotten into The O.C..
For those of you whose televisions – or meaningful lives – have so far remained untouched by its beached splendour, The O.C. is a teen drama in the vein of 90210, a sort of Dawson’s goes west, and if Fox Television has been criticised for its recent reality TV binge then it may have redeemed itself by creating something so unreal that it airs as a sort of unattainable wish list. At the top of mine is Mischa Barton, who plays Marissa, and whose image unashamedly adorns my desktop as possibly the most attractive on television. Seriously...hot.
But then everybody is - even the geek, who I, with just the slightest nerd-identification, am rooting for to get laid. I’m nine episodes in after only three days of downloading/watching/visiting the official website and I tell you, he’s getting warm. Go Seth! And although the Southern California of The O.C. differs from that where I spent the last academic year, I still pine over the opening credits and cajole other viewers with stories of my brief time in L.A. (pictured left). I, like the show’s protagonist Ryan - played like a wooden stool by Benjamin McKenzie - was an exotic outsider. Well, sort of. But seriously...hot.
Wish me luck in my final tomorrow, San
Okay, it's Thursday night and I'm on episode 17 and I've got to say that I've just made an alteration to the wish list. Marissa's slipped to third place, after Seth's on-and-off girlfriend Anna and his dad, Sandy, who I wish for for very different reasons. Marissa is so clueless it borders on the retarded. Anna, on the otherhand, is SO cute and smart and oh-my-God I've got to get out more. Help me.
What is wrong with Summer? Why do no boys like her? I know, I want Sandy and Kirsten as my parents too. Liz
Hey Liz,
So I've completely exhausted the series now. Quite a feat in under two weeks, but I'm now torn in a very Seth-like way. Mid-series I was all about the Anna but now that Summer's character has developed and (spoiler coming up) Anna has left my 'feelings' have changed somewhat. Luckily (?) I'll never have to choose between the two! Are you a Ryan fan? Caleb?
Yeah stupid patrick told me that anna leaves, grrr. I hate ryan and marissa, they're so crap. Seth, or perhaps even Sandy.... :p
I think I'm getting paternal attraction all mixed up here but I too have strong feelings for the Sandy. He is, dare I say, so cute (Berkeley alumn no less) - and don't he and Kirsten have the best relationship? Ryan and Marissa on the other hand...like the occasional play fight and grilled cheese sandwich is a relationship. Although I never saw her eat that sandwich...
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